Digestive Disorders
Acid Reflex / Heartburn

Acid reflux/ heartburn / GERD is extremely common affecting up to 1 in 4 adults in the UK . It is a discomfort, often a ‘burning’ sensation, in the chest that occurs after eating, lying down or bending over. Western medicine generally treats the disorder’s symptoms by acid suppression drugs with varying degrees of success.
Those who come to my acupuncture clinics in Brentwood, Chelmsford and Leigh on sea are either not helped by the drugs or who dislike taking drugs or wish to treat the cause of the problem rather than suppressing symptoms.
Acupuncture views the cause of acid reflux to be the reverse/ upward flow of acidic digestive fluids up into the œsophagus ( food pipe) often caused by a weakened sphincter which separates the stomach from the food pipe .
Acupuncture focussed on calming anxiety and restoring the downward flow of energy/ Qi and strengthening the stomach sphincter.
The Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine , 2010 (16), 298-303 wrote
‘Acupuncture can effectively inhibit the intra- oesophageal acid and bile acid reflux in GER patients to alleviate symptoms with good safety and is well accepted by patients.’
Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative Colitis (UC) is a chronic inflammation of the large intestine with symptoms such as pain, diarrhoea/ frequent visits to the toilet, blood and mucus in the stools, tiredness and sometimes weight loss.
Research in the Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology (2006 Sept:41(9):1056-63) on the treatment of Ulcerative Colitis patients with acupuncture found that not only did their colitis symptoms significantly improve, but they experienced significant improvements in general wellbeing.
Here are a few test testimonials from UC patients at my acupuncture clinics in Brentwood, Chelmsford and Leigh on Sea:
‘For the past 3 years, I have suffered with UC. Acupuncture has greatly reduced my symptoms of pain and discomfort and frequency of visits to the toilet, so much so that my use of prescribed drugs has already been reduced by 40%.’ – Paula
‘I suffered for 10 years with severe UC with almost constant flare ups. Since I have been going to Acupuncture everyone has noticed my improved health and I rarely have a day off sick which is a big improvement.’ – Lynn
‘Acupuncture is helping to stabilise the colitis I have suffered with for many years with not so much distress and discomfort first thing in the morning.’ – Alice
‘I have suffered with UC for 12 years and flare ups occur particularly in times of stress. Since having acupuncture, I have seen a significant improvement in my UC to the point where I had a recent job interview and did not suffer a flare up – something in the past which would definitely have caused me some uncomfortable symptoms. I would 100% suggest trying acupuncture for anyone with a UC diagnosis.’ – Robyn